Scarborough Seafarers
An ongoing study of Scarborough's seafaring history and evolving future.
Part 1 - Scarborough Seafarers, a project in partnership with a local charity. The Scarborough Maritime Heritage
Scarborian fishermen and captains of days old and new, who have sea-spray running through their veins.
They welcomed me into their homes. I spent hours fascinating over their old photos, and revelled in hearing stories from their youth. I grew up here, so coming back to meet and photograph these people was not only nostalgic but a real privilege. My future visits will continue to explore aspects of maritime life in Scarborough.
For now, a thank you to the inspiring people I’ve met so far.
Captain Peter Simpson, Fred Normandale, Lindy Rowley (charity Founder), Tom Rowley, Lou Makinson, Jim Spencer and Dave Normandale.